Hot summer is coming soon. So truck drivers, do you have already been ready for this hot summer? Guchen Industry can supply 12v truck cab air conditioner or 24v truck sleeper air conditioners to give you a cooler summer!
Let's see how Guchen dc battery powered truck air conditioner makes you cooler.
1. 12v/24v Electric Truck Cab Air Conditioner Install In Your Truck Cabin
Yes, the electric truck cab air conditioner is mostly used in truck cabins. Cuchen can supply
12v or 24v electric truck cab air conditioner for truck sleeper. Of course engine driven air conditioner is available.
√ Airpro 2000
Install in the back of truck cabins, with 1.6 Kw cooling capacity, suitable for 2-seat driving cab, also called as back-wall mounted truck cab air conditioners.
split truck sleeper air conditioner (condenser and evaporator are split), also called rear truck sleeper air conditioning. Battery powered truck air conditioner (12v or 24v)
√ Airpro 3000
Install on the roof top of truck cabins, with 3.0 Kw cooling capacity, suitable for 2 or 4 seat driving cab.
Features: rooftop mounted air conditioner. DC battery powered truck air conditioner (12v or 24v) Add a low voltage protector for control panel and compressor. When the voltage of battery is lower than the votlage of air conditioner, air conditioner will stop work automatically, it will protect vehicel battery. Besides, air conditioner with ECO, Auto and Strong three function, you can adjust air flow according to your requirement.
√ Airpro 4000
Roof top truck cab air conditioner with 3.5 Kw cooling capacity, but only connect 24v battery.
Features: With large air flow, apply to hot ambient temperature.
Engine driven GC-04 truck sleeper air conditioner can be also used in truck, it is not electric truck air conditioning, with 5.2 Kw cooling capacity, make you cooler in cabin.
2. 12v/24v or Engine Driven Truck Cab Air Conditioners Applying Cases
Here are some pictures from our clients' installation. Let's enjoy these pictures:
1. our client installs in mine truck, used Airpro 3000, 12v for his truck cabin

PHOTO: Airpro 3000 heavy duty truck air conditioning for mine truck
2. Here is a back-ward mounted truck cab air conditioner, Airpro 2000, also called as split truck sleeper air conditioner.

PHOTO: Airpro 2000 split truck sleeper air conditioner
3. Rooftop mounted truck sleeper air conditioners for forklift trucks.

PHOTO: forklift 12v truck air conditioners
4. Install in ferry trucks keeping you from the hot temperature.

PHOTO: ferry electric truck cab air conditioner
5. Construction truck drivers will feel comfortable when he is working in construction site!

PHOTO: heavy vehicle truck cab air conditioning in buildings
6. Our Thailand client installs our air con in ambulance, here is GC-04 model, roof-top mounted and engine driven for ambulance.

PHOTO: rooftop van air conditioner for ambulance
7. This is used in Ferris wheel, how imagine our client! Visitors will never feel hot again in the top sky!

PHOTO: electric truck cab air conditioner install in ferris wheel
8. rooftop truck sleeper air conditioner installs in this truck cabin.

PHOTO: rooftop truck sleeper air conditioner
9. Airpro 3000 for this harvester, run well!

PHOTO: 12v truck air conditioner install in harvester
10. Yacht! Great idea for it! Visitors will thank your kind service!

PHOTO: electric truck air conditioner install in yacht