On April 16, 2016,
Guchen Industry organizes whole sales staff to attend Outdoor Training in Chongdugou Ravine, Luoyang City. The goal for this training is to help our sales staff to release working stress, let them learn to replace thinking with their leaders, and then make our sales staff become a more qualitied sales person.
In the activities, everyone is devoted to games. The whole team is divided into two teams, both teams have their logo, slogan and team song. Then two teams compete and cooperate with each other in games in order to achieve their tasks.
Activity 1: The Blind Building Home Together
Everyone is blindfolded, then the first group finding rope, second group using rope organize a quadrilateral, third group need to let their team stand on four edges of quadrilateral, the remnant person standing in the center of quadrilateral; the fourth group is keeping rope.
Activity2: Three-legged Race
Using a rope tying one person's left ankle to another one’s right ankle, then whole team walking ahead and going through hula-hoop, but food cannot touch the edge of hoop, or it will fail and return to start point to re-begin game.
Activity 3: Leadership Role Acting
Dividing whole team into two, team A and team B. voluntarily recommending two leaders each team. Then two team numbers off to competing with each other, the winner is the team who use time least. Losing team leader need to do 10 push-ups in round one; 20 push-ups in round two; 40 push-ups in round three; 80 push-ups in round four.
What we gain from this outdoor training?
In these activities, everyone tried their best effort to complete their task. No matter winning or losing, they tried and attending is the most important.
For everyone, the most gains are that they learn how to communicate, how to unite, how to overcome difficulties. Before this training, everyone not knows each other better, especially for these new comings. But by these training, our team is more united, gritty and solidary.
As for our sales staff, they also think twice that how to be paient to clients, how to establish a great relationship with their clients.
To conclude, this training make our sales staff learn much about how to service clients well.